The Dreams of a Little Girl

The rain made the windows of the bus foggy today. As the bus went downtown I said to Peo, “We’re passing the Klingon School of Danger right now.”

Peo said, “But with the fogged windows, I can’t read the sign!”

So I replied, “That’s okay, because it just means the sign says whatever you want it to say.”

She thought about that for a moment and then asked, “Can it say, ‘EVIL SHARKNADO LAB’?”

I said, “Yes. Yes it can.”

This made her very, very happy.

At dinner when we recounted this to Corran and he wanted there to be a “Good Sharknado Lab” to offset the evil, I pointed out that there could simply be a string of ever more evil labs.

Then Peo asked, “Do you have to put a goatee on the bottom of the building so you can tell which one is the real evil one?”

Nerd parenting. We haz that.

evil sharknado lab

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