All beading graphics on this page were created by Kimberly Chapman, and are my exclusive property. Feel free to link to this page, but please do not steal the graphics and pictures. It took hours of work to make them. If I find them elsewhere on the Internet, I will consider pursuing legal charges against the site owner.

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Beading Books

I know I hate buying a craft book, especially over the Internet, only to find out it wasn't what I was expecting. It's frustrating to find out the book is way above your level, far too basic to be useful, doesn't have patterns, has poor instructions, etc. So I've not only reviewed each of the books here, I've also graded them according to the following scales:


Recommended Books (in alphabetical order by title)













Books I Do NOT Recommend



New Books

These are books I have obtained recently, but haven't yet used enough to rate.


Books I Am Considering Buying

These are books I've seen on store shelves or at places like Amazon. If you own one of these books and want to let me know what you thought of it, please email me! I much prefer recommendations to be detailed and wordy. If you're going to say something is great or sucked, please specify why. Tell me if you think it is worth the price you paid, or if it's the kind of thing that would be better found at a library. If you'd like your review posted here, please also say so, and I may consider doing so (please also specify how you'd like to be named, linked to, etc.). And be sure to specify which book you're talking about; don't just say "I liked that beading book you mentioned," or I won't know which one you mean!

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Page last updated September 25, 2005.

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