The One-Click Charity Check portion of is on hiatus. This page exists for archival purposes only. All information on this page should be considered out of date as of April 14, 2004.
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Special GraphicsIf you have a site that lists one-click charities and want a way to incorporate the grades that charities have received into your listing, please read the following information carefully: Text LinksIf you would like to link using text only, feel free to do so with as much information as suits your page design. Probably the most efficient link would be structured like this (although tailored to suit your page's style):
Generic Graphic LinksIf you would like to link using a generic graphic, feel free to save the one below to your computer, and then integrate it into your list as you wish. The example above might look like this instead:
Mini Grade GraphicsIf you would like to link using graphics similar to the mini logo, but instead have graphics that replace the checkmark in the above one with letter grades, email me and request the graphics. Please note the following rules for the mini grade graphics:
In return for following these rules, you will be guaranteed a link on my links page, and I will email you the mini grade graphics. When you email me, I will ask you to agree to all of those rules, and I will save your reply that states your agreement. So don't request the graphics unless you're willing to accept the agreement! When I receive the email that says you agree to the rules, I will email you the graphics. If this all seems like too much hassle, don't worry about it. You're free to use the generic mini graphic shown on this page, or just go ahead with text-only links. |
This page was last updated on July 24, 2001.
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