In the style of REM:
Hey you know here I am
I'm here now
Here I am, I'm standing
I'm right here
Here I am, on my legs
My legs are under me in my trousers
And I'm standing on them
Here I am
And I'll be here forever
Unless I move over here
Remember how we dreamed
Remember how we screamed
The vegetables were steamed
The people that we seemed to know there
There I was just a minute ago
But I'm not there now, no
I'm here, here again
But a different here and a different now
But different only in a temporal way
Sometimes I'm sad
I wander the streets covered with mice
And licking a tiny piece of wood I found in the gutter
And I say, "Hey, this wood is good wood!
Good wood to lick!"
Remember how we dreamed
Remember how we screamed
The vegetables were steamed
The people that we seemed to know there
In my mind I see a pony
A little pony with little legs
And a tiny, miniscule moustache
Coming towards me barking like a dog
And I say, "Hey Pony! That's the wrong noise you're making!
Wrong noise!
Remember how we dreamed
Remember how we screamed
The vegetables were steamed
The people that we seemed to know there
Sometimes when I'm sad I realize
All me heros are gay or cowboys
Sometimes I'm sad and I'm lying in my bed
And I look over out of the window
And I see the sad faces
The miserable faces of the lonely people walking by
Thousands, millions, lonely people
And I realize I should move
Remember how we dreamed
Remember how we screamed
The vegetables were steamed
The people that we seemed to know there
Yeah but don't forget
The pony with the bark of a dog
A tiny piece of wood that I've licked
And one day maybe all of us
Could visit Paris and not speak French


Page last updated in July, 2004.
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