Pick up the phone
Get out your tool
Just remember
The Golden Rule
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
Hi, my name is Belinda
And you've called the Horny Pizza Network
Get out your pepperoni
Stick it in my dough
We'll pop it in my oven and see what rises
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
Hi, my name is Buttersticks
And you've called the Horny Primate Hotline
Come on in, give me a call
I've got naughty, naughty apes here
They're touching me, oh look out!
Oooo, it's getting creepy
Oh my, they're ruining the curtains, call later!
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
Hello, my name's Andora
And you've called the Hermaphrodite Bisexual Sex Line
Give me a call and I will meet all your needs
Get naked, glisten
I'll call you, roll on the floor
Get the [???] with the lock and beat you
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
Now listen, folks:
You get excited
About thinking
How exciting it is to be
Things are hot
Things are sweaty
There's only one answer
Let it go!
Let it go!
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!
They're not pretty
Phone sex girls are not pretty!


Page last updated in July, 2004.
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