Sound clip from this song (.wav format)
We are Americans
We are Americans, ah yeah!
We carry great big guns
'Cause we are Americans
Oh yeah!
We're strong (we're strong!)
And we're free (we're free!)
We are Coke, We are Pepsi
'Cause we are Americans
We are Americans
What we'd like to do for you right now, is a short history of the United States of America.
First of all a short scene depicting the United States of America, and their diplomacy.
Hey pal, do whatever I tell ya!
I got a really big gun here...
All right then.
Secondly a short scene depicting the United States of America, and their economy, yeah!
Hey pal, gimme all your money.
I got a really big gun here...
All right!
And thirdly a short scene depicting the United States of America, and I'm sure we all understand
their foreign policy, yeah!
Hey pal, let's go fight a war in Iraq.
Okay! Where's Iraq?
And finally a short scene depicting the United States of America, and the settlement, the
settlement of that great nation, we know and love as the USA, yeah.
Hey you Indian. Here's a bunch of glass beads, gimme all your land.
I got a great big gun here.
Nice beads!
We are Americans
We are Americans, ah yeah!
We carry great big guns, yeah!
'Cause we are Americans
We're strong (we're strong!)
And we're free (we're free!)
We are Coke, We are Pepsi
And we wear
Canadian flags
When we travel
On our bags
'Cause we are Americans (ah yeah!)
We are Americans (c'mon everybody, make like you're at Woodstock, yeah!)
We are Americans
We are Americans
We are Americans, Here we go!
We are Americans
Everythng I do... I do it for you.


Page last updated in July, 2004.
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