The People of Alt.Pub.KaCees

Want to find out more information on the people who hang out in the pub? Click on a name below to see information about that person! People are ordered by time/date of submission.

Want to submit your own information? Here are the rules:

Cut and paste the following text into an email (until I program a form, you MUST cut and paste it into the email, or request a text copy, because I won't accept it without the questions there), and send it to

Name (only put your real name here, please):






City of Residence:

Country of Residence:

Do you have a significant other?
What information would you like to share about them (be sure you have their FULL permission first!)?

Do you have children?
What information would you like to share about them (I'll only print information I consider to be safe and appropriate)?

Do you have pets?
What information would you like to share about them?

What do you like to watch on TV?

What kind of music do you like (bands, genres, etc.)?

What are some of your favourite books/authors?

What are some of your favourite movies?

Do you generally prefer comedic entertainment, or heart-tugging entertainment?

What fictional story (whether from a book, movie, TV, etc.) has touched you the most and why?

What non-fictional story (whether from a book, movie, TV, etc.) has touched you the most and why?

What piece of music can always make you want to cry and why?

What's your favourite food?

How far have you pursued your education (i.e. still in school, have a grad degree, etc.)?

What do you do for a living?

What would you like to do for a living, if you could get paid a living wage to do anything?

Where would you most like to live in the world?

If you could only travel to one foreign country in your entire life, but you could spend a few months there and see it fully, which country would you choose?

If you had the opportunity to be part of a space flight, would you go? Why or why not?

What really makes you angry?

What really grosses you out that you don't think grosses other people out very much?

What hobbies do you enjoy?

What sports or outdoor activities do you enjoy?

What's your favourite season and why?

What is your religion, spiritual outlook, faith, or other cosmic view (be as detailed as you like)?

What scares you?

Are you an optimist or pessimist?

What's the one lesson you'd go back in time and teach yourself earlier, if you could?

What is the most severe illness you've ever suffered?

What other information about yourself would you like to share?

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Page last updated December 4, 2003.

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